Hello. Thanks four joining me today on my live video today. I want to talk or build on what I talked about last week, which was reading and building your library. That’s basically talking about journaling and, as I said on the board today, write it down. Journaling, it’s something I actually started doing when I was travelling. I went backpacking around the world four five years. Well, I wasn’t travelling the whole time, but I was working abroad in Canada and New Zealand, but most of that time, I was keeping a journal.
That journal was basically capturing my memories as I went, but I’ve discovered more recently that there’s so much more to keeping a journal, and then just capturing your memories and being a personal historian, as Benjamin Hardy says, and that is basically capturing your ideas and thoughts and things you’re stuck on. Since early October last year, 2018, I started keeping a journal as part of my morning routine. I started getting up one hour earlier every day and started doing a morning routine and writing down my thoughts while I was struggling with ideas, plans, goals and , things that I was wanting to achieve. Part of that routine was in the evening, I would write down a few ideas of things that I was stuck on and solve issues or problems or what I’d plan to do in the morning. As soon as I woke up, I would go into the other room and start jotting down thoughts. Sometimes I wasn’t actually quite sure, didn’t have any ideas that came initially to mind, but just started writing and eventually some ideas would start to flow. It’s quite amazing what came.
Jim Rohn, who I’ve been talking about over the last couple of weeks, he talks about keeping journals, and he says he was a buyer of blank books. He would buy quite fancy books, where he’d spend $26, as he said on one of his audios on books, and people said, “Why are you buying such expensive books?” and he said he wanted to capture ideas that were at least worth the price of the book. He said, basically, as he wrote journals, he would capture ideas that were worth way more than that. You can see I’ve filled this book since October, and I’m into my second here. There’s quite a few ideas and stuff I’ve been working on today. You can see some diagrams and things I’ve highlighted.
One of the things Jim Rohn talks about is, when you write ideas down, it slows your thoughts, helps you just think through things as you are in a process and trying to just think things through your brain, without writing them down, it makes it more difficult. When ideas come to mind, you’re reading a book, listening to an audio, watching something, write it down. Capture those ideas, capture those thoughts, and I keep my journal and I’m constantly writing ideas, especially when I’m listening to audios and reading books. When an idea comes, I write it down otherwise I’ll have lost the idea, and it’ll just pass, and then I can build on those plans. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I’m going to write those ideas down. During the day, when I’m reading a book, I’ll jot those ideas down.
That’s what I wanted to share about today is, start keeping a journal. You may not get up an hour earlier in the morning, but if you get up a few minutes earlier and take a moment just to write some thoughts down, plan out an evening before, even a few minutes in the evening to plan out the next day, so when you get up in the morning, instead of being not sure what you’re actually going to do, you’ve already planned out what you’re going to do, even just a couple of sentences, a couple of thoughts, a couple of objectives.
As soon as you wake up, you can start working on those. If you’re stuck on an idea you’re trying to solve or a problem that’s on your mind, write down that problem or something you want to work on, whilst you’re asleep your subconscious mind is going to start working that idea, get up in the morning and then start writing about it, and you’ll be amazed at what thoughts and ideas come. That’s really all I wanted to talk about today.
The key to this whole thing about writing a journal and keeping a journal is basically write it down. Write down your ideas, your goals, things you’re stuck on. Objectives four the future, plans, whatever they might be. Start writing them down. Do it every day or as regularly as you can. Preferably every day and you’ll be quite amazed about what starts flowing and what ideas start coming. Just make sure you capture them.
That’s everything I wanted to cover this week. Thanks four watching. As always, any thoughts, comments, or ideas, please let me know. I’d love to hear those and read them, and I’ll look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Jim Rohn puts it best. “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced daily.” Are you ready to take your life to the next level? To start moving in a new direction? I would love nothing more that to see you go from stuck to succeeding; from surviving to thriving.
“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced daily.” ~ Jim Rohn
I have created a seven (7) day challenge, for you. It introduces one new discipline I practice everyday.
“Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” ~ Jim Rohn
Seven days will not change your destination, but if you commit to getting up everyday determined to get from the day and not just through it, you can change the direction of your life in seven short days.
“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” ~ Jim Rohn